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miércoles, 8 de julio de 2009

Saga Midnight Breed de Adrian Lara

1. El beso de Medianoche.

Gabrielle Maxwell, una reconocida artista de Boston, celebra el éxito de su última exposición en un exclusivo after hours de la ciudad. Entre el acalorado gentío siente la presencia de un sensual desconocido que despierta en ella las fantasía más profundas. Pero nada relacionado con esa noche ni con ese hombre resulta ser lo que parece. A la salida, Gabrielle presencia un asesinato y, a partir de ese momento, la realidad se convierte en algo oscuro y mortífero, adentrándose en un submundo que nunca supo que existía, habitado por vampiros urbanos enfrentados.Lucan Thorne es un vampiro, un guerrero de la Raza, que ha nacido para proteger a los suyos -así como a los humanos que existen en una vida paralela a la suya- de la creciente amenaza de los vampiros renegados. Lucan no puede arriesgarse a unirse a una humana, pero cuando Gabrielle se convierte en el objetivo de sus enemigos, no tiene más opción que llevársela a ese otro mundo que él lidera, en el que serán devorados por un deseo salvaje e insaciable.


2. El beso carmesí.

Obsesionado por las visiones sobre un oscuro futuro por llegar, Dante, uno de los guerreros de la Estirpe, vive y pelea cada día como si fuera el último de su vida. Es el más temerario, el más salvaje... y no tiene intención alguna de involucrarse con ninguna mujer. Pero, en un acto de desesperación, tras una violenta batalla callejera con sus enemigos, Dante se ve obligado a alimentarse de una dulce veterinaria llamada Tess Culver... una mujer que ahora lleva en su cuerpo la marca de un Compañero de la Estirpe.
Al beber su sangre, Dante ha completado la mitad de una unión irreversible, reclamando a Tess como suya. Pero ésta no sabe nada acerca de los vampiros –algo que Dante tiene la intención de que siga permaneciendo así– hasta que una creciente amenaza contra la Estirpe le obliga a escoger entre utilizar a Tess como un simple peón... o transformarla por completo en su compañera.


3. Despertar de Medianoche.

With a dagger in her hand and vengeance on her mind, Darkhaven beauty Elise Chase prowls Boston's streets in search of retribution against the Rogue vampires who took from her everything she cherished. Using an extraordinary psychic gift, she tracks her prey, well aware that the power she possesses is destroying her. She must learn to harness this gift, and for that she can turn to only one man--the deadliest of the Breed warriors, Tegan.
No stranger to loss, Tegan knows Elise's pain. He knows fury, but when he slays his enemies it is with ice in his veins. He is perfect in his self-control, until Elise seeks his aid in her personal war. An unholy alliance is forged--a bond that will link them by blood and vow--and plunge them into a tempest of danger, desire, and the darkest passions of the heart .


DESCARGAR (Completo/Español)

Gracias a Laura, Estela, Yrex

4. Midnight Rising.

For journalist Dylan Alexander, it began with the discovery of a hidden tomb, thrusting her into the centre of a gathering storm of violence and secrets. But nothing is as dangerous as the scarred, lethally seductive man who rises from the shadows to draw her into his world of dark desire and endless night. Fuelled by pain and rage over a shattering betrayal, the warrior Rio has pledged his life to the war against the Rogues. He will let nothing stand in his way - least of all a mortal woman with the power to expose the entire vampire race. For an ancient evil has been awakened, and a stunning darkness is on the rise.
Suddenly Dylan is powerless to resist Rio’s touch, even as she uncovers a shocking link to her own past. And now she must choose: Leave Rio’s midnight realm, or risk it all for the man who has shown her true passion and the infinite pleasures of the heart….


5. Veil of midnight.

Bound by blood, addicted to danger, they'll enter the darkest - and most erotic - place of all.

A warrior trained in bullets and blades, Renata cannot be bested by any man - vampire or mortal. But her most powerful weapon is her extraordinary psychic ability - a gift both rare and deadly. Now a stranger threatens her hard-won independence - a golden-haired vampire who lures her into a realm of darkness.and pleasure beyond imagining.

A combat-loving adrenaline junkie, Nikolai dispenses his own justice to enemies of the Breed - and his latest quarry is a ruthless assassin. One woman stands in his way: the seductive, cool-as-ice bodyguard, Renata. But Renata's powers are put to the test when a loved one, a child, is threatened and she's forced to turn to Niko for help. As the two join forces, as desire fans the flames of a deeper hunger, Renata's life is under siege by a man who offers the exquisite pleasure of a blood bond - and a passion that could save or doom them both forever..

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6. Ashes of midnight.

A woman driven by blood. A man thirsting for vengeance.
A place where darkness and desire meet...

As night falls, Claire Roth flees, driven from her home by a fiery threat that seems to come from hell itself. Then, from out of the flames and ash, a vampire warrior emerges. He is Andreas Reichen, her onetime lover, now a stranger consumed by vengeance. Caught in the cross fire, Claire cannot escape his savage fury - or the hunger that plunges her into his world of eternal darkness and unending pleasure.

Nothing will stop Andreas from destroying the vampire responsible for slaughtering his Breed brethren . . . even if he must use his former lover as a pawn in his deadly mission. Blood-bonded to his treacherous adversary, Claire can lead Andreas to the enemy he seeks, but it is a journey fraught with danger - and deep, unbidden desires. For Claire is the one woman Andreas should not crave, and the only one he's ever loved. A dangerous seduction begins - one that blurs the lines between predator and prey, and stokes the flames of a white-hot passion that may consume all in its path. . . .


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